Committee Aims
The aims of the COE Technology Committee are noted below:
- Process
- Develop education and evaluate processes used in the acquisition, maintenance, and troubleshooting of technology used in the College of Education for faculty, staff and students.
- Innovation
- Investigate, develop and acquire new technology for the teaching and training of tomorrow’s educators, administrators, clinicians, therapists and researchers.
- Faculty Development/Resource
- The committee will serve as an advocate to suggest and assist in the creation of educational resources for faculty and staff of the College of Education.
COE Technology Committee Membership
According to Section 5 of the COE Constitution and Bylaws, the COE Technology Committee shall consist of:
- one full-time faculty member from Communication Disorders, Counseling and School Psychology, Educational Administration; and two full-time faculty members from each of the larger departments Kinesiology and Sports Sciences and Teacher Education in the College of Education;
- one representative from the College of Education Staff, and
- an IT representative that works with the College of Education.
- No department chair or administrator may serve on this committee.
Current Committee Members
- Communication Disorders
- Counseling and School Psychology
- Education Administration
- Kinesiology and Sport Sciences
- Bryce Abbey
- Terese Sheridan
- Teacher Education
- Brian Artman
- Martonia Gaskill
- College of Education Staff
- IT Representative who Works with the COE
- Ex-Officio
- Chandra Diaz
- Andrea Childress
COE Technology Committee Members are elected during the first COE Faculty Meeting of the academic year. Members are full-time faculty members and, once elected, serve a 3-year term. When a vacancy occurs in the membership of a committee, the Dean if the College of Education shall appoint a replacement to fill the remainder of the academic year. The vacancy will be filled for a full term through elections for committee membership held at the first Faculty meeting of the academic year. The replacement must be selected in accordance with the committee structure.
COE Technology Committee Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the committee are:
- to review and identify policies and procedures related to technology which effect the College of Education’s students and faculty, to make recommendations to the appropriate faculty, academic and administrative units, or the Dean, of needed changes and/or new policies
- to create/review policies regarding technology in the College of Education for presentation to the Faculty
- to recommend to the Faculty and the Dean proposed College of Education policies concerning technology
- to plan for future technology needs of the faculty and students in the College of Education
- to review the appropriations of technology funds for items over $500
- The committee shall meet a minimum of once a month during the academic year.
COE Technology Committee Agendas
Agendas are published prior to each COE Technology Committee Meeting. Any member of the COE may suggest items for inclusion on meeting agendas. To make a suggestion, please email the COE Technology Committee. To view past and current meeting agendas, please look in the COE Technology Committee Agendas Folder. Note that agendas may only be viewed by individuals who are members of the 体育菠菜大平台 Community and have corresponding 体育菠菜大平台 Credentials (i.e., 体育菠菜大平台 email and password).
COE Technology Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are published after each COE Technology Committee Meeting. To view past and current meeting minutes, please look in the COE Technology Committee Meeting Minutes Folder. Note that meeting minutes may only be viewed by individuals who are members of the 体育菠菜大平台 Community and have corresponding 体育菠菜大平台 Credentials (i.e., 体育菠菜大平台 email and password).
Contact the COE Technology Committee
Please feel free to reach out to the COE Technology Committee with ideas or suggestions related to any of the Committee's Aims: Process, Innovation and/or Faculty Development/Resources. Please contact a Committee Member who serves on the Committee.